
Tarsierverse are 10 000 unique collectible Tarsiers with proof of ownership stored on the solana blockchain.

Welcome to TarsierVerse!

We are a team of enthusiasts and creative people united by one passion - creating unique and exciting NFT tokens on the Solana blockchain.

Our mission is to bring together the worlds of art and technology to offer amazing opportunities for collecting and experimenting with digital assets.

What is TarsierVerse

TarsierVerse is a collection of 10,000 unique NFT tokens, each with its own unique design and characteristics.
Each token in our collection is a unique piece of art, created with love and passion by our talented artists and designers.

Our Roadmap

Complete levels, complete tasks, and get rewards!

Tarsierverse Roadmap

Opening of New Horizons in Web3

Phase 1

Launch of NFT Collections

10,000 Unique NFTs: Launching a collection of 10,000 exclusive NFTs, each representing a unique piece of art (2,000 will be immediately available on the OpenSea marketplace)

Phase 2

Mint of the entire collection

8,000 available to mint

Phase 3

Web 3 Metaverse

Development of the Metaverse: Creating an exciting web 3 metaverse where NFT owners can interact, explore and participate in unique virtual events.

Phase 4

Token Development

Issue a Native Token: Development and implementation of a custom token that will be used in our ecosystem for transactions, voting and participation in exclusive events.

Phase 5

AI and ML Services

Innovation in AI and Machine Learning: Implementing advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to enrich the user experience and expand the functionality of the metaverse.

Phase 6

DeFi integration

DeFi Solutions: Integration of decentralized financial services (DeFi) that will allow users to access innovative financial tools and opportunities within our ecosystem.

Phase 7


Creating a Universe of Possibilities: Our goal is not just to create a collection of NFTs, but to develop a complete ecosystem where art, technology and finance merge together, opening up endless possibilities for our users.




What we are proud of


We proudly guarantee that every token in TarsierVerse is one of a kind. Not a single token is repeated, which makes them especially valuable for collectors and art lovers


By collaborating with talented artists and designers, we create unique works of art that embody our vision and values.


TarsierVerse is built on the Solana blockchain, which provides high performance, low fees and scalability to provide the best experience for our users


We strive to provide unique digital assets that attract not only collectors, but also art and technology lovers. We want to create a world where everyone can enjoy and appreciate digital art and be part of our virtual universe - TarsierVerse.

Contact us

If you have any questions, suggestions or want to know more about our project, do not hesitate to contact us via email or our social networks. We are always happy to communicate with our members and support the growing TarsierVerse community.

Join us, and together we will create a wonderful world of art and technology - TarsierVerse!